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Clay Martin

is a former Marine and Green Beret, retiring out of 3rd Special Forces Group. He is a multi-decade and -service sniper, as well as 3-Gun competitor and Master ranked shooter in USPSA Production. In addition to writing about guns, he is the author of "Last Son of The War God," a novel about shooting people that deserve it. You can also follow him on twitter, @offthe_res or his website,

Darn Tough Socks: Lifetime Means Lifetime

Clay, are you really gonna write a column about socks? Yes. Yes, I am. Socks are an underrated part of your combat chassis unless you happen to be an ex-Grunt. For a Grunt, socks are of the utmost importance. If boots are the equivalent of tires, then socks are the air in those tires. A good sock can make the difference between arriving at your destination ready to fight, and arriving with blisters and boo-boos.

Thermal Review: Bering Optics R-35 vs Hogster Stimulus

The Bering Optics Hogster Stimulus is no question fantastic for the dollar, if you are on a very limited budget. At $1599, you would be hard pressed to find something that will hang with it as far as capabilities go. But what if you have a little more in the tank? To answer that question, we took a look at the Stimulus side by side with Hogster R-35.

DeWALT Battery Powered Chainsaw – Review

Yes. Chainsaw. Today we are going to take a look at what I feel is an underrated bit of survival kit, and perhaps the greatest labor saving device in the inventory. Now obviously, this falls way down the line from food, water, medical, and safety. (Safety means guns, stuff to feed them, and preferably friends with them.) But after those needs are met, I absolutely feel this is something you should be considering.

Hogster Stimulus: Best Value in Thermal Optics Today?

Thermal optics have long been the domain of the, uh, not poor. While some people have a job that can justify the upfront cost, it has not been a realistic option for the masses. Granted, prices have gone down. But not down to the point of accessibility to the masses. Until now.

SIG’s Zulu6 Image-Stabilized Binos Review + Video

Stabilized binoculars are pretty rare on the civilian market, but they have a huge following in military circles. The stabilized part comes from an internal gyroscopic stabilizer, a mechanical device that makes them self steading. It is a weird concept, for sure. But in practice, it is basically magic. It really does work and is a game-changer for binocular work.

Reviewed: Bushnell Prime Spotting Scope

Bushnell has been all over the map in recent years, in terms of levels of products. They have spent a lot of time solidifying their place at the table on high-end products, like the XRS and HDMR, both contenders in military circles. Then they will turn around and introduce sub $200 scopes, such as the Engage series. It can get a bit, well, confusing. So I am very happy with what seems to be a recent change to the product lines.

How to Mount A Scope with Ease

Learn how to mount a scope. If your equipment fails you on the shot of a lifetime, don’t let it be the fault of an over-glorified Walmart greeter.