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David R. Vaught, Ph.D.

began hunting waterfowl at a young age due to his father being a waterfowl biologist for the Missouri Department of Conservation. Today he hunts both public and private waterfowl grounds and is always working on something related to waterfowl throughout the year. He loves to turkey hunt and fish for walleye and crappie in the spring. David is a university professor, holds an NRA Level II coaching certification and works with youth in trap and skeet shooting in the summer with his annual trap-shooting academy.

Lucky 4 Slot Motion Backpack

Recently at a Midwest waterfowl show, I saw the new Lucky Duck 4 Slot Motion Backpack and I was amazed at the attention it drew.  Hardly a single person walked by without handling, exploring, commenting, and eventually buying one of three versions. 

Summer Project: Make Your Own Waterfowl Layout Boat

Concealment is the key to duck hunting. This is especially true when they get wary and have been dodging shot for a few months. My first introduction to the layout boat idea was many years ago and I still use them today. In my younger days though, money was a little tighter so two other friends and I decided to make three boats one summer in my garage.

The Blind Bag – More Than You Need & Never Enough

I just don’t remember having the need, or the thought that perhaps, I might use more than shells and calls in my early days of hunting. But today we haul a ton of stuff simply because shell bag designers have put great thought into styles. Some use a backpack and others a bag, but whatever you use I know there will be some discussion about what you might consider hauling in for a hunt.

Lucky Duck’s New Agitator

Over the years of hunting waterfowl, I have become a huge fan of water moving decoy motion. Lucky Duck’s newest decoy product is the compilation of ideas that provide waterfowl hunters an answer to stale, calm, and quiet spreads.

How to Dress a Duck – It’s Easy

I was probably five or six when I got my first duck and then of course the right of passage required I clean the duck. I had watched my father who I can only assume learned from his father but I still today, do it as he taught me way back then.

DIY – Building Waterfowl Blinds: Pit and Surface

You finally have the property that will allow you to put in a more permanent blind so you want to do this right. Your site inventory has provided you with wind direction, sunrise and sunset, water levels and proximity to the decoy spread. If you have done your homework this is your time to get the blind in while it is dry and more importantly so you can blend it in, in the late summer and fall to conceal as best as possible.