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Jordan Voigt

is a lifelong passionate outdoorsman. He has been blessed to hunt in numerous countries and several different states, as well as having worked for outfitters in Montana and Alaska as a camp jack, packer, and guide. He lives in Montana with his beautiful wife and is busy teaching his two sons about the outdoors and chasing the next adventure. You can follow him on Instagram @jordan.voigt

Finding Grandpa

I watched helplessly as the struggle carried them closer to the trail’s edge and a long drop below.

Sheep Hunting Prep Ideas Pt. 2

Known for their awe-inspiring and challenging habitat, sheep are becoming increasingly popular to hunt so maximizing one’s opportunity if given the chance to pursue them is key.

Sheep Hunting Prep Ideas Pt. 1

Sheep hunting. Merely the words conjure up images of loopy-horned rams against a rugged backdrop of mountains carved into valleys by silty glacial runoff or clear mountain streams. Written and dreamt about by generations of outdoor enthusiasts, it’s easy to see why hunters’ love affair with the species only gets stronger over time.

Dorsal Caping Your Trophy In the Field

A hunter doesn’t have to be a taxidermist-in-training to cape their own animals; some practice and preparation can give a hunter many more options when they’re in the field staring at that animal of a lifetime, wherever it may be.

Sitka Kelvin Aerolite 30 Sleeping Bag Review

I had packed the Aerolite for this hunt knowing the propensity for moisture where I’d be hunting. I was eager to see how it lived up to the claims of a durable, lightweight mountain hunting bag that retained its insulation value when wet.

Mountain Hunting Emergency Preparedness

Hunters by nature have a bit of an independent streak; your average person doesn’t get their kicks from arising in the dark and tromping around Mother Nature with ten to twenty pounds of gear on their back. Not only do we enjoy it, we look forward to and prepare for most of the year to maximize our limited time afield. One category for consideration before the season starts is Emergency Preparednes

Frontier Gear of Alaska Pack Review

If you’ve got a trip of a lifetime planned, are considering trying your hand at mountain hunting for the first time, or just in the market for an expedition-type pack the go check out Barney’s for some outstanding hunting packs.