The spinning decoy industry has been evolving since the first spinners arrived in the mid-1990’s. Today we have a variety of body styles, species and sizes to enhance our decoy spreads. While a scientific definitive may not exist on their effectiveness, no one can deny they have not seen them work and work very well. As with everything, technology drives the marketplace, so kudos to Lucky Duck Premium Decoys for their new Lucky Waterproof HDi spinner.
The look and feel of the HDi is outstanding.

Specifications and contents
- Fully waterproof
- 7.4V Lithium Ion (Li-ion) battery and smart charger
- Popular HD Body Style
- External remote included with intermittent and constant spinning programmable from the remote
- Sealed battery box
- Injection molded magnetic wings with photographic win pattern
- 7’ 6-piece stake
- Gear bag
- Foam filled
- Externally programmable
- Instructions
- MRSP $199.99
First impressions
The package came well secured with each item wrapped for protection from shipping rash. Lucky Duck does a great job of making sure items ship quickly. The double packaging on the outside ensures the items arrive in good shape.

Using the Decoy
Nothing difficult here as the detailed body contains the motor housed in a waterproof compartment. The only thing you need to do is charge the battery. Give yourself an overnight to make sure the battery fully charges at least the first time. You have two choices in charging; you can remove the battery or leave the battery in the decoy. Either way, a simple plug-in using the Li-ion smart charger gets the process started. A light on the charger will turn green when the battery is 100% charged. On the decoy, when you turn it on an LED will be green if 100% charged, flash between red and green when 25% to 75% charged and glow red when less than 24% charged. You can simply press the on-off button and get feedback on the condition of the battery.

The battery compartment is bulletproof. Two locking clips with a seal make the battery and receiver waterproof. The receiver is plug-and-play and easy to program. You simply push a synch button on the bottom of the battery box, then the transmitter button until the red light illuminates solid. Done. All Lucky Duck remotes have the ability to run as many decoys as you like on one transmitter. Another feature of the transmitter is you can switch from intermittent to constant from the transmitter. No need to have to get inside the decoy or leave your blind. The transmitter has an incredible range of nearly a half mile, with watch-type batteries providing the power. A final new addition included in the HDi line-up is a slider switch on the side of the remote. A great feature to make sure the remote does not accidentally turn on a decoy or discharge itself in your shell bag.

Wings are magnetic and quickly dock into the port with a slot to ensure alignment. Both wings are photo-realistic and have foam dots under each wing to keep them afloat if dropped. This wing design is also aerodynamic which greatly saves the battery giving longer run times.

The interior of the HDi is accessible if necessary by four screws along the outside rim of the bottom of the decoy. Should something require repair or parts (readily available) the entire center module is removable. Otherwise, the only thing you need is the single plug dangling from the interior to plug in the battery.

Typically, HD decoys include a three-piece 42” stake, but the HDi includes a six-piece 72” stake. Those stakes also include a step on the spiked end to assist with getting it into the ground. All Lucky Duck HD’s have a cross bar for under the decoy. Orange bungee cords securely attach the decoy to the stake. This is wonderful for extremely windy days and for transporting the decoy on the stake. If one wants to allow the decoy to windmill simply undue, the cords and the decoy will rotate into the wind.

Getting your decoy in and out of the hunting grounds is never been easier with the bag included with the HDi. The bag can hold extra batteries, the stakes, and wings and protect them from wear and tear. A shoulder strap helps with hauling. I see a huge benefit in keeping your HD’s in a bag, as all you need is inside and having a place to organize the contents really helps with making sure you do not forget something or leave something behind.

The new line of HDi’s is something that will change the industry. The inclusion of the Li-Ion battery and all the other features included place Lucky Duck in a very strong market position. I am sure you will see plenty of these in the field and marsh this year and in the future.
Visit Lucky Duck to learn more about their new decoys by clicking [track-link url=”” campaign=”LUCKY_DUCK” target=”_blank”]HERE[/track-link].