Phone Skope has partnered with Seekar Technologies in order to develop an artificial intelligence program to implement into their app along with augmented reality aspects. With this partnership, they have released [track-link url=”” campaign=”SHOT_2020″ target=”_blank”]Skoped AI[/track-link], an app that can be downloaded for IOS and Android users.

Yes, I realize that is a lot to take in right at the get-go… artificial intelligence and augmented reality. This is no Skynet; you don’t have to worry about Skoped-AI taking over civilization. Instead, with a tap of the screen, Skoped AI can be used to track and score game through a spotting scope, mark locations that you are looking at through the spotting scope on a map, provide distance measurements, calculate shot grouping sizes, superimpose accurate reticles within a spotting scope, voice command for the app, 3D pin sharing, and much much more.
I will not be describing any of these abilities in-depth here, so you’re going to have to wait for a full review. But there will be one soon on GunsAmerica’s Hunt365!

Backing up a bit: Seekar Technologies has been providing similar tech that has been used in the medical field and for law enforcement applications. This AI and AR tech is not a prototype, as it has already proven to be extremely reliable and accurate. The new and exciting thing here is its adaptation for hunters, hikers, and shooters within an easy-to-use app.
Click [track-link url=”” campaign=”SHOT_2020″ target=”_blank”]HERE[/track-link] to learn more about Skoped AI.
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