There are a lot of advantages to hunting with a crossbow, even if you can’t use it during archery season in your state. With [track-link url=”https://www.tenpointcrossbows.com/shop/nitro-xrt-crossbow-package/” campaign=”SHOT2019_TenPoint” target=”_blank”]TenPoint’s new Nitro XRT[/track-link] shooting at 470 fps and delivering 190 ft lbs of energy, you’ll be able to bring down just about any game without the report clearing all the other animals out of the area.
Reverse Draw
The Nitro XRT is a reverse draw crossbow. That means that the cams are at the front of the bow and the riser is in the middle with the limbs closer to the shooter. One big advantage to a reverse draw setup is that the arrow is pushed all the way down the rail and TenPoint’s Slingshot technology pushes the arrow at its fastest right at the end of the stroke. The power stroke is 16.5 inches long.

Narrow Profile
This compound crossbow is just 7 inches wide when cocked and 12 inches wide uncocked. It’s 30.7 inches long and weighs just 7.4 pounds. Whether you’re spotting and stalking game in big country or sitting in a tree stand every day, the Nitro XRT is easy to carry.

It’s a quality tool with machined aluminum riser and barrel, an adjustable comb and butt plate, and a crisp trigger weighing in at just 3.5 pounds. They boast 4-5 inch groups at 100 yards. The ACUdraw pro cocking mechanism requires only 9 pounds of force to crank.

It comes with an optic, quiver, sling and semi-rigid case and it’s clothed in Kuiu’s Verde 2.0 camo. [track-link url=”https://www.tenpointcrossbows.com/shop/nitro-xrt-crossbow-package/” campaign=”SHOT2019_TenPoint” target=”_blank”]TenPoint’s Nitro XRT[/track-link] crossbow is available now and MSRP is $2,500.