Havalon is a well-known knife company that makes knives with interchangeable surgical steel blades: or so they were. Now Havalon has partnered up with [track-link url=”https://www.wasparchery.com/product/havalon-hv/” campaign=”SHOT2019_WASPHAVALONHV” target=”_blank”]WASP[/track-link] Archery and has stepped into the game of making broadheads. They have brought their reputation with them which makes me believe that these broadheads will be some of the highest quality and sharpness.

Havalon has been working on this project for over 2.5 years in order to develop the broadheads into the product that they wished them to be. Undoubtedly, the WASP Havalon HV broadhead will have the sharpest and toughest blades out there but Havalon wanted them to not only be razor sharp, but fly well also. After a long process, the design that Wasp Archery and Havalon collaborated on has brought the desired accuracy results.

The WASP Havalon HV broadhead weighs 100 grains and has a 1 3/16 inch cutting diameter. The trocar tip of the broadhead is stainless steel and undoubtedly tough. There are reports of taking a deer with these broadheads and recovering the arrow in the dirt basically undamaged. The broadhead has an aluminum ferrule with a retaining ring and O ring in order to lock in the blades.

These broadheads have a 0.035 inch stainless steel blade and come in a box of 3 complete sets. In this box of three, you also receive two sets of replacement blades. The MSRP is set at $44.96 and is available on [track-link url=”https://www.wasparchery.com/product/havalon-hv/” campaign=”SHOT2019_WASPHAVALONHV” target=”_blank”]WASP[/track-link] Archery’s website currently. With Havalon’s reputation, I would not hesitate for a second to put them in my quiver on a hunt.

*free words of advice*
Be careful with these broadheads out there because if they are half as sharp as Havalon’s blades, many of my friends will injure themselves accidentally with them; as history has proved. All seriousness and sarcasm intended.
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