[track-link url=”https://us.glock.com/” campaign=”GLOCK SHOT Show 2015″ target=”_blank”]Click here for the new GLOCK pistols[/track-link].
Who needs an even bigger 10mm GLOCK? I do. That’s who. Talk about stopping power. I had a GLOCK 20 for a couple of months during a review and I was smitten. The heavy hitting 10mm round does some serious damage, and the ergonomics of the GLOCK make managing the recoil less difficult.
The new GLOCK 40 will have a six-inch barrel and an increased capacity. This will make the rounds incrementally more effective and accurate, and give you more of them. If I lived in bear country, this would now be a serious contender.
Shooting the 40 is easier than shooting a 20. Not by much. It still isn’t a gun for the faint of heart. But the recoil is not much more significant than that of a hot .45 ACP. Hold it tightly, and it rocks back instead of up.
The GLOCK 40 won’t be a concealed carry piece for many. It will be a large gun, with a long grip and an even longer barrel. But it will be a rocking open carry gun.

The other news out of GLOCK is a welcome addition. They’re now making slides with optics ready mounts milled in, which they’re calling the MOS. Race fans and competitive shooters who want the option of mounting micro red dots now have an easy solution. They’ll be making the slides for a limited number of guns right now, but more should follow.
So there you have it. What happened to all of those predictions running rampant on the web—those that said GLOCK would be releasing a slim, single stack 9mm modeled off of the .380 GLOCK 42’s success? No comment. It isn’t here yet. The notoriously tight-lipped GLOCK won’t say one way or the other.



