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Lucky 4 Slot Motion Backpack

Recently at a Midwest waterfowl show, I saw the new Lucky Duck 4 Slot Motion Backpack and I was amazed at the attention it drew.  Hardly a single person walked by without handling, exploring, commenting, and eventually buying one of three versions. 

Tips for Selecting and Using Elk Calls

Whether you are a new elk hunter, or you have been elk hunting for years, there is a lot that goes into being effective at calling elk. With so many different calls on the market, it can be a daunting task trying to select an elk call because each one has its own unique design features that create a unique spectrum of sounds and fit within your mouth.

4 Tips To Better Meat Care

If you take the time to care for your meat correctly, you’ll have a happy processor, and it will be some of the best-tasting game you’ve ever prepared.

Mountain Hunting Emergency Preparedness

Hunters by nature have a bit of an independent streak; your average person doesn’t get their kicks from arising in the dark and tromping around Mother Nature with ten to twenty pounds of gear on their back. Not only do we enjoy it, we look forward to and prepare for most of the year to maximize our limited time afield. One category for consideration before the season starts is Emergency Preparednes