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Hunting the River for Ducks

The take away from this hunt was to always be flexible. I had my mind set on taking a nice deer with my muzzleloader, but because we took advantage of an opportunity that does not always get offered, I was able to have a new and unique experience that still put a lot of meat in the freezer and made for some awesome wing shooting.

Next Year Can Be Better!

The better physical shape you’re in, the more enjoyable and successful your 2020 season will be. Since dedicating my life to fitness and making a serious lifestyle change four years ago, my success rates have soared.

Cold Feet in the Field? The Solution: ActionHeat Heated Insoles

After using the ActionHeat Heated Rechargeable Insoles through the summer months as well as the busiest part of winter, I am convinced that this is the solution that I have been looking for. I am able to adjust the heat with a remote fob, which allows me to cater to the situation at hand. There were days while I was out deer hunting off of horseback in sub-zero weather, where I had them turned to max power in order to keep my feet warm in the stirrups, and then turned them off when I transitioned from riding to walking in order to keep my feet comfortable.

Field Test: Mathews VXR

This bow is a win. Period! It’s quiet, hushed, accurate and during two months of testing, never faltered. If you’re in the market for a new-for-2020 vertical bow, this one is worth a test drive.

Calling Coyotes Like Clockwork

Being able to weed through all of the variables and make the best-educated guess as to your approach to that stand is often the difference between a successful and unsuccessful hunt.

North Dakota Duck Hunt with Savage Arms’ New ReneGAUGE Shotgun

There is nothing that I enjoy more than being in places I have not been before and spending my time there in the outdoors hunting. I recently had the opportunity to spend the first weekend in October in North Dakota with Savage Arms on a duck hunt. leading up to the event, I started out with a bit of travel anxiety (not wanting to miss flights, not quite sure where I was going to end up once I got off of the plane, etc…) but it soon led to pure excitement of the hunt and eventually reminiscent happiness once it was over.