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Dove for a Lifetime: Argentina Bucket List Hunt

Like many others, I have heard for years about the droves of roosting doves in Argentina and groups shooting thousands of birds a day. To a guy who has sat for hours in an Alabama dove field waiting for enough dove to fill a 15 bird limit, this seems unfathomable – the stuff of legends, hunting folklore if you will.

5 Dove Hunting Tips

I think, without a doubt, almost all American hunters would agree that dove season is the unofficial start of fall and the official start to the fall hunting season. I don’t care which state you live in or what coast your closest to, all hunters are excited for the start of dove season.

BBQ Bacon Dove Bites – Recipe

It is Dove Season! And that means it is also time for having fresh game on the table. Dove can be a little tricky to cook. It is very lean, small and can be very “gamey”.