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Geoff Nemnich

Springtime Coyote Strategies

With spring fever running rampant throughout the outdoor community, it’s easy to get caught up in the hoopla of open water and thundering toms. But for those who didn’t get their fill of coyote hunting this winter, spring can provide some fantastic opportunities with some added benefits. Throughout this article, I’ll discuss the ecological benefit of hunting coyotes in the springtime as well as effective strategies for calling coyotes this time of year.

The Ultimate AR for Coyote Hunting

Over the last decade, the AR platform has gained popularity among coyote hunters and it’s easy to see why. Ideal cartridge size, semi-automatic capabilities, and the ability to customize the rifle are just a few of the reasons why black rifles have found a home in the world of coyote hunting.

Calling Coyotes Like Clockwork

Being able to weed through all of the variables and make the best-educated guess as to your approach to that stand is often the difference between a successful and unsuccessful hunt.

Holiday Gear Guide for Coyote Hunters

With Christmas right around the corner, I figured this would be the perfect time to discuss the latest and greatest gear in the predator hunting world. Santa has a lot on his plate nowadays and expecting him to know what gear is best for stacking up coyotes is a little unreasonable.

October Coyotes – Don’t Miss Out on Primetime Conditions!

October, taking advantage of primetime conditions during the early months of fall can lead to some of the best coyote-calling action of the season! Throughout this article, I’ll discuss the coyote life-cycle and how it relates to early season calling, the relationship between coyote populations and hunting pressure throughout the year, and how these coyote characteristics affect the early season approach to calling coyotes.

Prepping for Fur Season – Coyote Tips from a World Champion

Amid the daydreaming, l work through the process of preparation, planning, and practice.  Executing this process with efficiency and attentiveness will often be the difference between a successful or unsuccessful season of stacking fur.  Throughout this article, I’ll touch on several key points in relation to this process. I’ll discuss how I use my time now to prepare, plan and practice for a winning season of calling and (hopefully) shooting coyotes!