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Hunting Season

The Reality of Chronic Wasting Disease

Our limited understanding of the history of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) only goes back to the 1960’s in Colorado where a captive deer at a research facility became the first animal where the disease was detected. Read that sentence again.

Sheep Hunting Prep Ideas Pt. 1

Sheep hunting. Merely the words conjure up images of loopy-horned rams against a rugged backdrop of mountains carved into valleys by silty glacial runoff or clear mountain streams. Written and dreamt about by generations of outdoor enthusiasts, it’s easy to see why hunters’ love affair with the species only gets stronger over time.

Snow Mobility

If you live in a place with snow, you better be able to navigate it, otherwise your hunts are going to be restricted to places awfully close to home, or worse yet, put on hold until the season changes. er of options available today for methods of efficient travel over snow and I’m going to take you through the pros and cons of each that I’ve experienced.

Tips For A Better Fitting & Shooting Hunting Rifle

The success of any hunt falls on the shoulders of the shooter and their ability to properly place the bullet with accuracy. As marksmen and hunters, we want to be certain that we have done everything possible to make that first shot count. Having a well-fitted weapon system and good ammunition leaves it only up to the marksman to make it happen.

Tips For A Better Fitting & Shooting Hunting Rifle

The success of any hunt falls on the shoulders of the shooter and their ability to properly place the bullet with accuracy. As marksmen and hunters, we want to be certain that we have done everything possible to make that first shot count. Having a well-fitted weapon system and good ammunition leaves it only up to the marksman to make it happen.

4 Tips To Better Meat Care

If you take the time to care for your meat correctly, you’ll have a happy processor, and it will be some of the best-tasting game you’ve ever prepared.

Meals for the Extended Stay Hunt

How you fuel your body on a mountain hunt can make a tremendous difference in your physical and mental experience. Packing the right food for an extended stay backpack hunt is extremely important to ensure adequate repair, recovery, and necessary energy for the body.