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Marksmanship Training For Hunting Season

During hunting season, it can take days or weeks to locate the animal that you are pursuing and you may only have seconds to take a shot. As hunters, we must quickly evaluate how much time we have to build a shooting position, establish the distance to the target, wind speed, and shot angles.

Going The Distance: The Long Range Hunting Course by Outdoors Solutions

We were a very talkative group at dinner the night before and during coffee that morning. But when the 15 of us walked into the covered shooting line and saw the steel targets ranging before us–the last row at 1,000 yards—it all went silent. Oh, man, I imagined my fellow students thinking, that’s what 1,000 yards actually looks like? Never going to happen!

The 400 Yard Deer Hunter: Summer Prep Required!

Long-range hunting continues to gain in popularity. But just because you want to go long doesn’t mean dropping in bullets at 1,000 yards. Most deer hunters, for example, take their shots at 100 yards or less. Yet, if those same hunters could extend their range to 400 yards? Their chances at filling their tags would go up greatly.