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400 Yard Muzzleloader! Taking Long Shots With Bergara and CVA: New Rifles!

On April 29, 2021, Bergara and CVA sponsored The Long Shot Tour, held at the Fossil Pointe Shooting Grounds, outside Decatur, Texas. These two gun makers had some new and newer firearms to show off and invited a dozen writers and editors to try out several Bergara bolt action rifles and a pair of CVA muzzleloaders, plus a CVA bolt action. I was one of those writers.

Foolproof Field Positions

Last year I wrote an article about finding rests in the field. This article is about what a hunter can do when these options aren’t available.

Marksmanship Training For Hunting Season

During hunting season, it can take days or weeks to locate the animal that you are pursuing and you may only have seconds to take a shot. As hunters, we must quickly evaluate how much time we have to build a shooting position, establish the distance to the target, wind speed, and shot angles.