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squirrel hunting

Squirrel Tamales

Following my last article about squirrel hunting, I received several requests for a recipe for cooking up these tasty little tree dwellers. So, I have decided to post one of the tried-and-true favorites in my house, Squirrel Tamales.

January Is a Great Time to Hunt Squirrels

This time of year offers a great opportunity for one of my absolute favorite small game species: Squirrels. The leaves are off the trees, but these crafty little survivors can be quite difficult to get on the ground this late in the season.

Squirrel Hunting – How to Do It

Most small game hunters start chasing squirrels only when the leaves fall off the trees and they are easier to locate in the canopy. I too love to chase these fuzzy tailed critters in the winter months, but if you want a challenge and some early season fun, I would suggest you get into the woods when the leaves are still on.