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AAC’s Newest Suppressor Reviewed: Introducing the Jaeger 30

As technology advances, hunters have to keep up in order to maintain any kind of edge that they may have over their competitors when it comes to shooting the biggest bull elk or mule deer buck. AAC has released the Jaeger 30 suppressor in order to cater to the needs and unique style of use that hunters have. This means that the can is made to be rugged, lightweight, compact, versatile and have little or no first round pop.

Night Hunting Hogs With a Suppressed Muzzleloader? Hell, Yes!

A couple of months earlier, Jones and I were on the phone talking about two of our favorite things–hunting and shooting. Jones told me about a friend with a ranch located in the Texas Hill Country north of San Antonio, and the guy was having problems with hogs and had given Jones an open invitation to come out and kill as many as he wanted.